War On Errorism
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1. The Separation Of Church And Skate
2. The Irrationality Of Rationality
3. Franco Un-American
4. The Idiots Are Taking Over
5. She's Nubs
6. Mattersville
7. Decom-Poseur
8. Medio-Core
9. Anarchy Camp
10. American Errorist (I Hate Hate Haters)
11. We Got Two Jealous Agains
12. 13 Stitches
13. Regaining Unconciousness
14. Whoops, I OD'd

The Separation Of Church And Skate

lost in a sea of combat boots, flush the bouncers with wasted youth
when did punk rock become so safe, when did the scene become a joke
the kids who used to live for beer and speed now want their fries and coke
cursing and flipping birds are not allowed,
in fact let's keep noise levels down
must separate the church and skate
when dont we put pad on the kids, helmets, head gear and mouth pieces
they we could pad the floor and walls,
put cameras inside bathroom stalls
we make sure only nice bands play,
and we could sing my country 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty
when did punk rock become so safe
i know it wasnt Duane or Fletcher, who put up the barricades
like a skate in the heart, somehow we got driven apart
i want conflict i want dissent, i want the scene to represent
our hatred of authority, our fight against complacency
stop singing songs about girls and love,
you killed the owl you freed the dove
confrontation and politics replaced with harmonies and shticks
when did punk rock become so tame,
these fucking bands all sound the same
we want our fights we want our thugs,
we want our burns we want our drungs
where is the violent apathy, these fucking records are rated G

The Irrationality Of Rationality

Frank, the new CEO had to answer to the board.
The board was getting anxious, and the shelters were
on a bed, legs in air, ass-cheeks open wide
They were about to get fucked like it was their first time.
When one makes 20 million, a thousand people lose.
What keeps that one from swallowing a shotgun?
Dan, the company man, fell loyalty to the core.
After 6 to 8 years of service, and a family to support
He actually started to believe the weaponry
and chemicals before national defense.
'Cause daddy had a mortgage, and a boss to answer to.
The guilty don't feel guilty, they learn not to.
Helen is living in her car, trying to feed her kids.
She got laid off at work, and her house was repossessed.
It's hard to think clearly when it's 38 degrees.
Desperate people have been known to render desperate deeds.
But when she shot that family and moved into their home,
The paper read she suffered from dementia.

Franco Un-American

I never thought about the universe, it made me feel small
Never thought about the problems of this planet at all
Global warming, radio-active sites
Imperialistic wrongs and animal rights! No!
Why think all the bad things when life is so good?
Why help with an am when there’s always a could?
Let the whales worry about the poisons in the sea
Outside of California it’s foreign policy
I don’t want changes, I've no reactions
Your dilemmas are my distractions
That’s no way to go, Franco Un-American
No way to go, Franco Un-American
No way to go, Franco Un-American
No way to go, Franco, Franco Un-American
I never looked around, never second-guessed
Then I read some Howard Zinn now I’m always depressed
And now I can’t sleep from years of apathy
All because I read a little Noam Chomsky
I’m eating vegetation, 'cause a fast food nation
I’m wearing unconfortable shoes 'cause I’m globalisation
I’m watching Michael Moore expose the awful truth
I’m listening to Public Enemy and Reagan Youth
I see no world peace 'cause there’re zealous armed forces
I eat no breath-mints cause their from de-hurfed horses
Now I can’t believe what an absolute failure
The president’s laughing cause we voted for Nader
That’s no way to go, Franco Un-American
No way to go, Franco Un-American
No way to go, Franco Un-American
Where can we go, Franco Un-American
I want to move north and be a Canadian
Or hang down low with the nice Australians
I don’t want to be another ‘I-don’t-care’ again
What we’re gonna do Franco, Franco Un-American

The Idiots Are Taking Over

it's not the right time to be sober
now the idiots have taken over
spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?
maximum membership exceeding
tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding
watchin it's really elementary
the industrial revolution
has flipped the bitch on evolution
the benevolent and wise are being cornered,
ostracized, what a bummer
the world keeps getting dumber
insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason
darwin's rollin over in his coffin
the fittest are surviving much less often
now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening
someone dropped a steamer in the gene pool
now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule
and im startin to feel a lot like charlton heston
stranded on a primate planet
apes and eregatives that ran it to the ground
with generals and the armies that obeyed them
followers following fables
philosophies that enable them to rule without regard
there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated
political scientists get the same one vote as some arkansas inbred
majority rule, dont working mental institution
sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions
what are we left with?
a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists
who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland
pass on traditions
how to get ahead religions
and prosperity via sepulted culture
the idiots are takin over

She's Nubs

it's kind of hard to wear high heels, or slip on banana peels 
how does she get in and out of tubs 
i hope she dont get mad, i hopes she thinks this song is good not bad 
cuz we think that she's totally rad, she's nubs 
no fingers no toes she doesnt own elbows, 
no phalanges no knobby knees to knock 
she dont need knuckes or hands to go see punk rock bands 
shes always in the stands, shes nubs 
she cant pick up a phone, she cant get dressed alone 
shes got no funny bone, shes nubs 
no shoes for feet but we sure do think shes neat, shes nubs 
i asked her if she want a drink, i asked her if she liked toronto, 
i asked her to go out to the bar, but all she said was no thanks, no and no 
it was time for us to leave, so i grabbed into her sleeve 
and told her i'd see her at the next club she got into a bag 
and some guy put her on his back,
she said goodbye and kinda waved her stub 
she's got beauitful eyes, and breasts regular size, 
but without calves and thighs, shes nubs 
its hard to give good head or get tied to a bed, 
when all you've got is a body and head, she's nubs 
she's nubs, she's nubs, she's nubs... 
she may not walk the walk, she may not like to talk 
but boy she sure knows how to rock, shes nubs


There's a place some of us choose to live
Gated community cops cant come in 
A neighborhood for punks over the hill 
We spend our golden years in Mattersville 
We can do whatever we want, whenever we please 
There's always a keg of beer and a block of cheese 
We got cams, pinball, Asteroids 
Space Invaders and Missile Command 
We will grow old, together 
We will play Bridge and Texas Hold 'Em 
Dwayne and steve and kev they still skateboard 
But most of us long for the shuffleboard 
We maybe getting rite, but we aint bored 
We got a blackboard with some rules and laws 
Hefe's got an 18-car garage 
Most of the cars are smashed and so is Spike 
Twice a week on karaoke night 
Eric Melvin lives next door to me 
Limo and the lock necks head security 
At the end of my cul-de-sac 
Davey Havok's house is painted black 
We will grow old and fatter 
We got our pills so what else matters 
Trashy, mod and kev they're stayin' up 
Nathan, Matt, and Dan are passin' out 
California cracks while goin' down 
doo doo, doo doo, do do do doo, doo doo
da da daa, daa daa, da da da daa, da da da


she's a painting outta focus with no good sense of intention she's authentic
she's a model of disaster with a heart of revolution
she's so innocent, but guilty's her plea
everybody wants to save her from herself,
they really want to save themselves
she's got the grace of a tourist, with the charm of demolition
she's a poem without a meter or rhyme a random design
of a flower like a rose no one really knows
she's a master piece deserving restoration
or condemntion time will tell us
if she's a lifer or a decomposuer she's the rose no one really knows


It's not forsaken
The music they're makin'
Will leave you with a
Feeling of indifference
How was the band? 
They were okay (okay, all right)
Not great, but pretty good
They played the songs I knew they would
Some old, some new 
They say the formula stays true
You can't concur
It's Medio-core
Sing a song
Make it simple
So all the kids can sing along
Sing along
The list keeps growin'
The melodies been stolen
Remind me of songs sung in the 70's
You might fool the kids
But you don't fool me
Have you ever heard of something called
Is it absurd
To compose music no one's ever heard
Like a blossom we will confront them
My one true foe
This other power
Who rips the lofty flower (Medio-core)
Spreading faster 
Than British tooth decay (Medio-core)
Are you ready to rock?
How are you all doin tonight?
You condensential fucks (Medio-core)
Make me wanna laugh and puke at the same time
I want to speak
The song sounds like 15
I've heard before
Sing a song
Make it simple
So all the kids can sing along
Sing along

Anarchy Camp

I got an invitation to anarchy camp
there will be twistin', fistin', biting, fighting all in an evening
the soundtrack will go multi platinum
barbecue a boca while the effigies burn
you may not wanna stay to see how we take care of a turncoat
Christiana's kinda far away so come a long with me
we can dance and trip and be anarchists
we gotta get the manual and put it in the oven 'til it cooks
then we're gonna take the ashes to the wassail
and use them to spike the punch
rules of anarchy camp: reckless abandonment,
random acts of dumbness will be rewarded
if you see somebody taking charge, you'll be expected to beat them
cuz everyone who's no one, will be participating
no one who is someone,
will ever get to know the joys of anarchism, destruction of the system
so come along with us salad days and nights on the anarchaic bus
we're gonna pick up indigents and crusties and a half a dozen nuts
and we're never coming home
underwater basket-weaving (we got some arts and crafts)
meth-amphetamine symposiums (they last a couple days)
african killer spelling bees (you better get it right)
bowling in ice hockey rinks (of course checking is allowed)
anarchy camp's never inert (you think we dont know that it's)
not much fun 'til someone gets hurt (our only motto)
so we're greasing up the rusty vert ramp
time to make some reservations for next years

American Errorist (I Hate Hate Haters)

It's okay don't be ashamed allow yourself a little hate,
I really hate hate haters
a little hate is not so bad,
when directed at injustice and evil doers
you can turn the other cheek,
but dont turn the other way, indifference is our biggest threat
Enemy of the planet we finally have a common cause a catalyst
a reason to forget about our differences
and stand as a united front it's up to us
to expose and humiliate the Errorists,
the American Errorists, we'll start with one
I know just one, the war has begun

We Got Two Jealous Agains

I thought you were the one when I heard Holidays in the sun come
from your bedroom but my mind started to stray when I saw Youth of Today
mixed with your singles what's with this underdog
and this GNR EP? I don't think Hanoi rocks
and i don't want your Paul Stanley next to my Subhumans gatefold
I'm not trying to be a jerk but I don't think this record mergers gonna work
but when I saw Christ on Parade, and This is Boston, Not LA
I knew you were the one
I knew you were for me when i saw the first Vandals EP
I found SNFU and cool I owned that record too
seems we both had Social Unrest and sung "she's a pervert nurse"
we both had the first pressing of How Could Hell Be Any Worse
so now we got two Earth ADs and we got two Killing Jokes
we got two Adolescents two Peni's and two The Crews
we got two Someone Got Their Head Kicked Ins
we got two Declines, two Damaged
and two Jelous Agains, i knew you were the one
when i saw Machine Gun Etiquette
i knew you were the one when i saw the Peace War comp
we got two Articles of Faith, 31 minutes of group sex
we got a couple of Avengers, and a pair of Out Of Steps
we got 2 What We Do Is Secret, we got 2 TSOL's
we got 2 Freedom Of Choices we got two Three Hits From
i knew you were the one

13 Stitches

the first time i saw the descendents, they were the fastest band i'd ever seen
no one in the crowd really cared for them,
we were waiting for The Ally Cats to play
after a couple months i heard Kabuki Girl,
on Rodney On The Roo late sunday night
that was enough for me, i hopped the bus to Licorice Pizza
and baught my all time favorite record
the next time i went to the whiskey, it was DOA with Millions of Dead Cops
the latter band played faster than i could believe
but the songs sounded the same and kinda sucked
'cept John Wayne was a Nazi, and Joey Shithead was a drunk
then John Macias beat some hippie to a pulp, cuz having long hair was a mistake
the third time i went to the hospital, i needed 13 stitches in my head
i managed to catch about 6 songs of Ill Repute,
then some suicidal threw me into a post
my girlfriend started to cry cuz we had to leave before DRI played 50 lousy songs
my blood stained shirt smelled of clove cigarettes
but it sure looked pretty cool after a wash

Regaining Unconciousness

First they put away the dealers, 
keep our kids safe and off the street. 
Then they put away the prostitutes, 
keep married men cloistered at home. 
Then they shooed away the bums, 
then they beat and bashed the queers, 
turned away asylum-seekers, 
fed us suspicions and fears. 
We didn´t raise our voice, 
we didn´t make a fuss. 
It´s funny there was no one left to notice 
when they came for us. 
Looks like witches are in season, 
you better fly your flag and be aware 
of anyone who might fit the description, 
diversity is now our biggest fear. 
Now with our conversations tapped 
and our differences exposed, 
how ya supposed to love your neighbor 
with our minds and curtains closed? 
We used to worry ´bout big brother, 
now we got a big father and an even bigger muther. 
And still you believe 
this aristocracy gives a fuck about you. 
They put the mock in demockracy 
and you swallowed every hook. 
The sad truth is you would rather 
follow the school into the net 
cuz swimming alone at sea 
is not the kind of freedom you actually want. 
So go back to your crib and suck on a tit 
go bask in the warmth of your diaper. 
You´re sitting in shit and piss 
while sucking a huge pacifier, 
a country of adult infants. 
A legion of mental midgets 
all regaining their unconsciousness 

Whoops, I OD'd

Whoops I OD'd, shortness of breath, call ambulance, tell my wife i love her
error in judgement cut my life, no second chance,no guiding light
i never meant to cause you pain
i never thought i'd be the one who took the fall
i got lost in the moment, assholes like to test the limit
six minutes down, breathing machine, brain not feel right
the look on you is killing me, drowning in shame
but don't feel bad, cuz i never feard consequences
hate regrets more than apologies
a year has passed, like photographs, my life is just
a scrapbook of old friends and faded memories
looks like i pulled the rub out from under myself
the falls too much for me to recover from
it's been real fun but now i must say goodbye,
I'll see you all at Okie Dogs